Massage Training
Start a new career in massage or add a unique naturopathic bodywork therapy to your repertoire of therapies.
We offer certificate courses in Raynor Massage which will enable you to start a career in massage with insurance cover and recognised by MAA (Massage Association of Australia) an association you can join after completing the certificate course.
We also offer short workshops in varied bodywork modalities and other holistic modalities to keep you at the forefront of your career, so that you may deliver best practice holistic care to your clients.
For further information and to sign up to a free Raynor Massage Course introductory sample of our online module component, please sign up, and a consultant will make contact with you.
What is Raynor Massage & Who is this course for?
This course is designed for most people who would like to offer a more holistic and naturopathic
approach of massage/bodywork at a professional level.
So if your
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This course will deliver the hands on practical experience and knowledge that will allow you to transition into a new career in massage/bodywork , and bring depth & dimension to your already exisiting practice and skillset, giving
you the tools to treat clients efficiently and effectively, with transformative results.
Raynor Naturopathic Massage and Bodywork is a holistic system of Bodywork developed by Naturopath Brandon Raynor. It’s origins are in Ayurvedic Massage, Chinese Medicine, Reflexology, Shiatsu and Yoga breath work. There is a special emphasis on the Eastern medical theory that the physical body is a gross manifestation of a subtle body composed of a life force (chi or prana), emotions and other subtle energies, and that each are related and have an effect on each other. Physical or emotional stressors can lead to a blockage or disruption in the flow of chi or prana that can then cause muscles to tighten and bones to shift out of place or create tension in the body.
Most tension exists along bands in the body that are composed of muscles, tendons, ligaments and other body tissues. Underlying these physical manifestations of the bands are subtle energy systems similar to Meridians in Chinese Medicine, Sen lines in Thai Massage, or nadis in Ayurvedic Massage. Knowledge and techniques gleaned from these ancient modalities were then integrated and evolved to form the Raynor Band Theory along with its unique set of techniques, adjustments, stretches and rhythm.
While Raynor Naturopathic Massage Bands may overlap with some of these, the distinguishing feature of Raynor Bands is that the bands can be physically traced and often seen within the body. Raynor massage is one of the most advanced massage therapy styles in the world.
The primary goal of Raynor Naturopathic Massage is to relieve a person of residual tension, or muscle tightness in an area of the body when the body is at rest, and return the body to its’ natural state of relaxation. The word “relax” literally means to bring back to a state of looseness. “Re” means to bring back to and “lax” means loose, whereby Raynor massage is actually a form of deep relaxation massage. In addition, we believe that massage should not be performed in a routine manner, as each client has their own specific treatment needs.
This is why the development of one’s sense of touch and intuition is equally important in Raynor Naturopathic Massage in order to properly diagnose and treat a client. It also concentrates on parts of the body that are often neglected by traditional massage therapists, such as the abdomen, sacrum, hips, feet, hands and head. These areas tend to hold a lot of stagnation and blockage of the life force and freeing them up will generally have a great benefit not just to the areas concerned but to the whole being.
All our courses are inclusive no matter your background. From practicing GP's to mothers and fathers who wish to learn how to better look after their family members and clients, our courses give you the necessary step forward as a holistic naturopathic massage/bodywork practitioner.
We exercise due diligence to our student intake, and we only accept students who wish to grow and undertake bodywork and massage in a professional & ethical manner. We take the utmost care in ensuring you are well aware of the course expectation's and reserve the right to refuse or expel you from the course if your code of conduct is less than professional & ethical without refund or credit for future courses. We encourage you to ask as many questions as possible, and we will be there with you every step of the way to ensure you're making the right decision to undertake the course. (Please refer to Terms & Conditions)
We recommend course participants be 18 years and older however 16 & 17 year old's will be accepted with written consent from a parent/legal guardian, with a parent/legal guardian attending the hands on practical sessions for 16 - 17 year old participants. The course is held in English so a good understanding of the English language will be needed.
Bring a healthy appetite for learning and curiosity. If you come with no massage experience it does not matter. This course is very inclusive and will lay the foundations in which your knowledge can grow and your skills put to work.
The course has been broken up into two main parts of study and practical application.
The course consists of 51 lessons. The lessons consist of text and videos with multiple choice answers to be submitted online.Approximate time to complete the online module is 40hrs, but you can pace yourself and move through it steadily. Once you have paid for the course, you have it for life.
Some of the topics covered include:
The history of massage and the origins of Raynor Massage
Who is Brandon Raynor
Contraindications to Massage
Hygiene for massage therapists
Professional behavior for massage therapists
The Qualities of a good massage therapist
How to develop your empathy and ability to “tune into” a client
How to use the correct pressure in your techniques to suit each client
Verbal communication skills when talking to clients
Teaching clients about deep abdominal breathing and its importance
How to develop rhythm and flow with your massage
The importance of focus and paying attention while massaging
How to take a case history form
The goal of Raynor Naturopathic massage – to free the body of all chronic tension
Understanding the partnership model of medicine and assessing a client’s desire to work with the practitioner (Red light, Yellow Light or Green light)
Understanding the benefits of different positions to massage. Prone, supine or side position.
What is residual tension
Body mechanics and keeping correct posture for a therapist
How to diagnose tension
Understanding the Raynor bands of tension.
Detailed analysis of the 28 bands of tension
Release of chi and emotion
How often should a person get a Raynor massage
Creating a nice ambience in your massage room
Assisted abdominal breathing techniques to allow deeper releases
Developing a bridge of trust between the practitioner and the client
How to choose a massage table
Raynor Massage techniques to release tension in the face, arms, hands, feet, legs, back and shoulders.
How to use massage tools
Baby massage
How to run a successful business
Putting it all together and examples of full treatments
How to set up your business
LEVEL 2 RAYNOR MASSAGE 5 DAY INTENSIVE $2,495 (Full Payment. Non Refundable)
Our Raynor Massage Certificate Course is a hands on intensive course, where students will develop their skills at an accelerated pace, by attending
our five day hands on intensive program. In this program you will be applying Raynor techniques and receiving Raynor Bodywork under the supervision and guidance of Fabio Paderno. You will confidently and consistently develop bodywork technique along with curating your sense of touch and empathy. How to observe the body of a client from the first phone call to the first physical meeting with your client.
At this five day intensive you will also undergo being massaged. This is a very important part of the training, as it will develop your insight to common physical ailments, bodily pain and wellbeing psychology. You will experience tension release both physically, mentally & emotionally. This aids in developing your level of empathy as every client has different needs which will assist you in formulating a treatment strategy for each and every client. This is a dual relationship model of massage/bodywork. Communication is not just verbal, with the Raynor Technique you will learn how the physical body communicates without words. This is a very important process towards becoming an efficient and effective therapist.
LEVEL 1&2 COMBINED RAYNOR MASSAGE CERTIFICATE $2,995 (Full Payment. Non Refundable)
To complete the course in full and be eligible to receive your Certificate to practice, you will need to complete both
LEVEL 1 Raynor Online Course (approx. 40hrs) of study & LEVEL 2 Raynor Massage 5 Day Intensive. the second module of study, Upon satisfactory practical assessment over these five days which observes use of technique, ethics and professional conduct a certificate will be awarded.
After successful completion of this course you will be eligible to obtain professional indemnity insurance with affiliate insurance providers, if you wish to practice professionally or start your own massage business/clinic, and become an eligible member of the Massage Association of Australia (MAA).
In the LEVEL 1 & LEVEL 2 Combined Course, you will progress quickly to practicing Raynor Massage.
The aim of this massage technique is to deliver the client beyond feeling good, and towards transformation and wellbeing. It is here where you will realize you are allowing your clients to reconnect with their innate health and wellness blueprint through the eradication of residual tension that is hiding in the tissues of the body.